I am.
I rearrange atoms and electrons into a more useful configuration thereby rendering whatever object in question functional or more efficient.
This website is about me, my journey, my insights, and my interests.
Well, in my perception it's about me but in reality, it's about you.
I hope to empower, inspire, and entertain you.
I'm interested in open source software because I'm not made of money and if I was, I would have to cut part off of myself to pay for software. I'm not doing that.
I make tutorials on YouTube for Blender, Inkscape, and Gimp but mostly Blender on my channel BIG3. I like to make bad to mediocre art in those software title and I post it on my Facebook page.
I'm also interested in self improvement, the nature of reality, conspiracy theories, general learning, and SciFi.
This website will be more than a blog, but I don't know what yet. :)