This year, I wrote a short ebook to change the world. I received a lot of encouraging feedback from those who read it, but the world didn't change.. or did it? For me it did.
A few questions come to mind. Why did I write the book? Is it possible for one universal concept to effect change over every person who reads it? What problem can be solved that every person can do? Is there any point in hoping? What makes me qualified to write such a book?
Oddly, satisfaction is my muse. And fear. I've had a difficult life and have grown, healed and learned so much that for the most part, I'm happy. I want that for everyone and was afraid people I loved might never see it. A secret fear nagged me that I might lose my joy because I'm empathically aware of the suffering of others more than I'd like to admit.
In my pursuit of happiness via knowledge acquisition, I researched many concepts and saw an underlying problem present with most people. I saw a solution that is appropriate for all people regardless of every kind of separation such as: religion, culture, race, political affiliation, etc. I could see the potential of the message I bring from each person to the whole world and the incredible possibilities which I view as inevitabilities. Humanity either destroys each other or ascends to a golden age of equality and quality. I have a lot to say about this.
We are doing the positive path. Period.
I appeal to my love of learning and the mind of a gifted problem solver in regards to being an authority on 'fixing the world' and I won't go into the absurd list of things I've studied. Suffice it to say, the list is vast and varied. My subsequent writings will bear that out.
Have a look at my book:
I welcome feedback especially if it will make the book more effectual to more people. One can find me on the Twitter:
