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This Keyboard Doesn't Spell Well

Writer: LatchLatch

Updated: Jan 5, 2019

There is a fairly good chance I'm addicted to self improvement but I don't have to tell you that because I just did. Having spent most of my life unhappy for a variety of boring reasons through which I had to work, there still seems to remain things to fix about myself. The following paragraph is filler text that came with this blog so skip it and go on to the one after it.

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I read somewhere(Prolly here) that adults get addicted to supplements. I didn't really read the article. I saw the title and my brainmeat pondered it knowing that I too take a buttload of supplements. By buttload, I mean more than none. Mostly for energy, drive, and focus which I picked based on the book Dirty Genes by Ben Lynch. In my case, my entry into the world of pills came when I found out I had a thyroid issue. The pill the VA prescribed me seemed to help so it wasn't a freakish leap of logic to conclude supplements might help with other things. And so, my mind became open to looking in that direction.

Does addiction always result from dissatisfaction? After sorting out several issues to which I alluded in the first paragraph, I would say I've become mostly healthy mentally but there remains a drive to continue improving. My current daily regimen and this website are part of that. Thank you for joining me!




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