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How the Marshmallow Experiment Relates to Hermetic Philosophy

Writer: LatchLatch

Updated: Jan 8, 2019

Hundreds of us have heard or read about the Stamford Marshmallow Experiment where children were tested in their ability to delay gratification. A marshmallow (or sometimes a cookie or pretzel) was placed in front of a child. The child was told they may eat the prize right away but if they waited until the experimenter returned, they would receive a second one. All the children were followed around for the rest of their lives er uh checked in on to find out how they fared in life success with various metrics. Those who could wait had on average higher SAT scores, lower BMI's, and a general higher quality of life.

I read in Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz that 90% to 95% of what we do is all handled by our subconscious. One thing you do that proves this point is driving. It isn't rocket surgery to understand that you aren't willfully thinking about the umpteen tasks it takes to drive a car. Having practiced it so many times before, you can easily outperform a driving robot. (unless you're in a movie of course) You don't even have think about moving your muscles to grip the wheel or all the things that would require you swerve around a spontaneous goat in the road. If I had a nickle...

The awareness of a person sits in a higher position or higher frequency than the subconscious. On page 68 of The Adventure of I by Tania Kotsos, she says positive dominates - negative submits. In that section She's speaking on the law of vibration but she's using verbiage from the law of polarity. Oddly the two laws tie together fairly easily when using the law of correspondence so now that's three laws that tie together, but the point is this: the subconscious is lower and therefore submits to the conscious will. This can be easily illustrated by the fact that are subconscious normally runs are breathing until we override it and hold our breath.

The base or subconscious desire to eat the marshmallow right away is on a lower frequency. The children that use their foreknowledge and consciousness to override that desire are able to bypass the automated response and eating it right now. They already know how to fight the lower desire to goggle the treat. So the lesson isn't just to override your subconscious by sheer willpower alone. It is to change your subconscious to make it work for you. There's too much to be said for that in this post.

*as I understand it




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